1. Include your name and the name of your school on your submission
2. Writing period is two hours. Mark times on your submission
3. No reference materials except a dictionary are permissible.
4. Previously written works are not accepted.
5. An essay shall be defined as a written expression of the author's opinion:
a. Stated in thesis in the first paragraph
b. Supported and proven in three to four paragraphs in the body, each introduced by a topic sentence that relates directly to the topic but each providing a different argument or fact.
c. Conclude with a summarizing paragraph which restates the thesis.
6. Essays may not make use of either first person or second person It should be titled.
7. It should be at least 5-6 paragraphs in length and should be titled.
8. The topic does not necessarily need to be the title of your essay
A good friend is a good listener.
1. Using your own sheet of paper, brainstorm and outline if needed.
2`.When you are ready, complete the essay on its own clean sheet of paper.
3. Scan your notes/outline AND the final composition into a PDF file and email it to Kim Wiebe at